This is Thirty Eight and I feel like I am just getting started. Each day, I wake up and celebrate the small wins despite living in a culture that tells us we aren’t enough or to only celebrate ourselves once a year. These daily victories look something like…. being comfortable in my skin, being courageous, speaking my truth, embracing fear as a tool, giving myself permission to fail and make mistakes, pursuing curiosity, shedding light on a palpable humanity with my projects, believing in a vision greater than myself… all while being unwavering with my dreams. This past year was complex for me both personally and professionally. I birthed a book in 2019, leveled up my businesses, letting those who weren’t supporting my growth go, while welcoming those who reciprocated encouragement in, I dove in deeper into my own spirituality, explored issues about social injustices which I am still continuing to pursue and most important I learned to slow down and be still.
Today is my birthday and my one birthday wish is for each of you to treat your day as if it is your birthday too. This means we need to be gentle with ourselves today, appreciate our small wins, find gratitude for everything we have and to find ways to be a little more kind and of service to those who cross our path. I am waking up with a grateful heart and appreciate all 13,878 days I have been on this earth. These are the moments that have made me who I am and although it hasn’t all been roses, I wouldn’t change a thing. Continue to give yourselves permission to grow, connect and create. Xx