I was recently asked to participate in a feature from PureWow on the worst advice I’d ever received — a few things immediately came to mind. I shared with them a snippet that I hear often that I know can be so dangerous to the spirit of creative entrepreneurs, not to mention a total deal-killer. Head over to their site to read the worst advice I’ve received, as well as that of so many other female business leaders and creative entrepreneurs. This is a really fun 5 minute read and takes you into the minds of some really inspiring women. I am humbled to be in incredible company with this round up. Xx
“Some of the worst advice I’ve received is to “just sit on it.” As a female creative entrepreneur, being decisive and trusting my instincts has been the most vital tool in my career. I find the longer you sit on something, the more diluted your instincts become. And in my opinion, time is one of the biggest deal-killers. So do your due diligence, gather research, trust your instincts, and be decisive. When making pivotal choices for your life and career, you instinctively know what you need to do. The most courageous thing you can do is trust yourself.