One of the greatest joys in my career is being able to spread light beyond the lens. For me, this means supporting women, championing creative entrepreneurs and being an advocate for my clients. My growth as a creative entrepreneur is directly correlated with being vulnerable and sharing my love through my craft. This is the same love that I hope will bring light to your day, the same love that has propelled me into creating a strong community with the #TheNewSouthern. The New Southern is inclusive. This isn’t a special club that you are born into…everyone is welcome and everyone is loved. The New Southern is a design and lifestyle movement rooted in unity. Our common denominators are our creative compulsions, life pivots, thinking outside the box, pioneering new ways, being authentic, leading with deep love and creative prosperity that will inspire generations to come.
It is through our stories that we are able to connect and it is through love we are able to grow. So, when Paige and Smoot Hull of The Vintage Roundtop invited me alongside Shea McGee of Studio Mcgee to teach a creative Workshop, I, of course said yes to the opportunity to help empower and inspire others in living their best life. It was also great to do so alongside Shea who is authentic and such a strong female entrepreneur (A true light in the word). I was fresh off a New York client shoot and now headed to Round Top, Texas with my Stetson in hand.
As a leading interiors and architectural photographer and stylist, I’ve managed to step outside of the box and pioneer a new way of doing business in the industry. I have learned a new normal with discomfort. I push my own limits and challenge my own beliefs everyday. For every success I have had, I have also failed. Failure and fear are the same to me…they are both inevitable, they need to be used as tools, and they need to be embraced in order to make your dreams come true. I was able to share the tools which I have acquired from being in the corporate world, the gifts I learned through my experience with cancer, how I started my creative businesses, and my goal in creating a community VS. an audience on social media.
This was a humbling weekend filled with deep love. I was so honored and inspired by all that attended and grateful for all of those who traveled great lengths to hear Shea and I discuss our business insight. Thank you to both Paige and Smoot for being such gracious and loving hosts. To all of those who weren’t able to make the workshop, I want to tell you something…There isn’t a blueprint to is as simple as embracing your fears, being willing to fail and continuing to put one foot in front of the other in the most authentic of ways. I am here to help guide you and encourage you with the light beyond my lens. Much love you you all today!! Xx
Photo: ©Becki Griffin
Photo: ©Becki Griffin
Photo: ©Becki Griffin
Photo: ©Becki Griffin
Photo: ©Becki Griffin
Photo: ©Becki Griffin
For those that weren’t able to join us — here is a bit of what you missed! Here are my fun, easy tips on how to shoot:
The best camera is the one you have in your hand AND the best object to shoot is the one you are naturally drawn to.
My favorite iPhone photo app: A Color Story
Intuitive Shooting: Ask yourself these questions…. Your answers will connect you to the moment.
What is your Why? Ask yourself this everyday.
What are you Naturally Drawn to?
What story do you want to tell?
Photo: ©Becki Griffin
Photo: ©Becki Griffin