HAPPY NATIONAL RELAXATION DAY - and what better way to kick off the day with my easy to implement self care “check-ins”. You may remember my first segment with the kind souls over at Daytime With Kimberly and Esteban on my fool-proof four “Cs” of packing a carry-on. I sat down with them for a second round of sharing and we chatted self-care for success. Leaving an all-consuming corporate world after my cancer diagnosis and entering the entrepreneurial creative realm made me lean into a reliable self-care routine whole-heartedly. Stress is such a creativity killer, and no one is exempt. So when you aspire to create, connect, and cultivate your dreams every day, you must create space for yourself. I’ve made self-care into a second-nature, three-step daily routine so no matter my schedule, mental state, or physical location, it’s something I can use to find new sources of energy and creativity within. Watch the interview for more on how I start my day with an intention, take stock mid-day and throw out the rules for time-management, and what I do to renew and restore at the end of each day. Xx
Finding a healthy balance between work and life can be difficult but it's essential for your well being. Not having a balance can cloud your vision and impact your health in many ways. Architectural Photographer, Cancer Survivor and Lifestyle Expert, Alyssa Rosenheck, is giving you a reliable 3-step self care routine that's easy to remember and you can implement throughout your day.
MORNING CHECK-IN: START WITH AN INTENTION: How are we going to show up for ourselves and others?
AFTERNOON CHECK-IN: Energy Management vs Time Management
EVENING CHECK-IN: Let Water signal renewal AND RESTORATION #Tubtime or #Shower!